Honoring Motherhood : How It Grows Us Into Our Highest Selves
Motherhood: the ultimate masterclass of life! Or so I believe. Honoring motherhood and paying homage to the lessons it brings in one short blog post is no simple task. The spiritual teaching and rewards are endless. Still, I want to give it a try:
First, let’s start with patience.
“Patience is not the ability to wait, but the ability to keep a good attitude while waiting.” Anonymous
Discovering your pregnancy sparks the start of your patience journey. The anticipation of your due date, with its accompanying backaches and foot pain, requires an even greater level of patience.
As your newborn gradually learns to feed, nap, and eventually sleep through the night (!!), your patience is continually sharpened. To me, it seems that patience is a primary aspect of motherhood, ingrained within you whether you realize it or not. And perhaps, that’s a positive thing after all!
Honoring motherhood requires acknowledging surrender.
“Surrender is the inner transition from resistance to acceptance, from no to yes.” Eckhart Tolle
Surrender means so much more than letting go. It means holding onto faith with a willingness to accept things as they are. It’s knowing that your child is born to you, but has her own destiny that is separate from your plan for her.
Surrender means recognizing that she has her own unique talents and gifts and will also have her challenges to face.
In my mind, I envision two arms of parenting. One is teaching, guiding, and actively parenting. The other is letting go and allowing life to lead. Allowing requires surrendering to the natural consequences and rhythms of life. (And, for me, it’s hard to do!)
Surrendering means allowing your child to live the life they are meant to live, and this requires deep faith.
Faith: The tapestry of motherhood.
“Faith is the bird that feels the light when the dawn is still dark.” Rabindranath Tagore
I think of faith as having a deep sense that all is well. Faith is a quiet yet mighty strength.
Faith can be challenged, especially as your child flies away from the nest. Your child may be making choices in college and beyond that you aren’t comfortable with. In many ways, all you have to turn to is faith.
I think that to live joyfully, we need to have faith that there is a higher power co-parenting with us. We have to trust that our child is not walking their path alone. And that loving forces are guiding her along her way.
Honoring motherhood means honoring the growth process it requires.
“We delight in the beauty of the butterfly, but rarely admit the changes it has gone through to achieve that beauty.” – Maya Angelou.
As mothers, we grow more and more into who we’re here to be.
Our growth begins from the second we discover that we’re going to be a mother. And the curriculum runs deep.
Through our experiences, we must face our fears, insecurities, triggers, and mistaken beliefs. Motherhood unearths all the parts of us that need to be healed. If we allow it, motherhood can open all the doors, allowing us to feel the full scope of emotions we have inside.
And that leads to:
“Motherhood: All love begins and ends there.” – Robert Browning
But not just the heart-bursting love you feel at your child’s first piano recital.
We get to experience an enduring love that comes from within. It’s a pure heart, wide open, encompassing, all-embracing love that we feel toward our children. The gift of being a mother is accessing and radiating the pure vibration of love upon your child.
Honoring motherhood for what it truly is and embracing the growth, faith, patience, and surrender required is the way to view the whole experience in a new way. And in the end, motherhood is love.
What do you think? Do you agree?
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(This post was originally published on July 29, 2022, and has been updated for increased thoroughness and clarity.)
Work with me! I'm a Wayfinder Life Coach who specializes in helping women find love, navigate single parenting, and discover their spiritual path.
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