How to Spring Clean Your Mind and Plant Seeds for New Beginnings
Spring is here! Now is a great time for a reset. It’s time to clear out the cobwebs, spring clean your mind, and plant seeds for exciting new beginnings.
Altogether, spring offers us a chance to start new. And if you’re anything like me, you can become very set in your ways. Your thoughts create grooves, and you can get stuck in repetitive negative thinking.
As a result, this can lead to feeling overwhelmed.
So, like a gardener prepares soil to plant seeds, now is the time to clear our minds and prepare for a brand new, light, and bright season ahead.
(*Think of it as a mental health cleanse.)
Here are ways to spring cleaning your mind and plant seeds for new beginnings:
“When one flower blooms, spring awakens everywhere.” – John O’Donohue
1. First, look honestly at your negative old thoughts and beliefs.
You know the ones…maybe they’ve crept up on you this winter. Some you may recognize as familiar, while other thoughts are new and may have recently emerged. Either way, take inventory and write them down on paper.
Tip: try stream of consciousness writing. Set a three-minute timer and write down every negative thought you have, from “I’m never going to get that job” to “Things will never feel normal again.” Write them all down without judgment.
2. Next, look at them objectively.
Allow clarity to come through. Recognize that these thoughts aren’t true because we can’t know anything for sure. In fact, all we know is what’s happening now and that we can adopt a positive mindset. Negative thoughts need to be weeded out of your mental garden so healthy new ideas can grow.
Now, take the paper and cut it up. Get rid of it. It’s time to start fresh.
TIP – To work through your negative thoughts, try The Work by Byron Katie. You will be shocked at how well her method works!
Dr. Joe Dispenza also teaches strategies for letting go of old feelings in his book Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself: How to Lose Your Mind and Create a New One.
You can also read a story about not focusing on the negative here.
3. Now, think of how you want to feel and who you want to be this season.
Next, for this step, really allow yourself to dream.
And visualize how you want to feel and move through the world.
Get clear and write these qualities down. Get creative and use markers or drawings further to enhance the meaning and importance of these qualities.
For instance, some words might include: happy, grateful, kind, hopeful, ambitious, spontaneous, or whatever comes to you!
Allow yourself to have fun with this. Dream about how you’d love your life to be.
And let yourself have fun with this! For example, see yourself beaming with happiness while walking through town, laughing with friends, or sitting outside reading your favorite book. Visualize yourself in these settings. Envision yourself as radiant, happy, and fulfilled.
4. Create a new seasonal vision board to imprint your vision further.
Spring is a robust season of renewal, so anything is possible!
It’s the perfect time for a new, inspirational vision board!
Collect photos, colors, textures… whatever reminds you of the essence you want to bring into your life. Next, add your new words to a vision board. Now, place your board somewhere you will look every day to remind you where you’re headed.
Alternatively, consider making a vision book. That worked for me! (Read more on that here.)
5. Freshen up your relationships.
Envision yourself deepening your relationships. Also, see them becoming more healthy, happy, and meaningful. Visualize that you’re a magnet attracting wonderful new relationships into your life. See your relationships bringing joy and fulfillment to your days, raising your vibration.
Likewise, see yourself mindfully spring cleaning and editing out the draining relationships. Sometimes friendships drift apart, and that’s okay too. Letting go can be freeing and necessary.
6. Commit to your meditation practice.
Keeping our mental garden of thoughts clean and clear requires meditation. I highly recommend this program with Jack Kornfield and Tara Brach. They are excellent teachers. Even sitting for 20 minutes every morning can make a massive difference in bolstering your mental health.
Practice meditation daily to keep your mind clear. (Deep breathing techniques may help too. Discover some here.) Accessing awareness found in stillness will help to keep you on track.
You can learn about the meditations that work best for me here.
7. Reassess your daily schedule.
Spring cleaning and starting hew offer a chance to revisit your daily schedule.
Look at where you’re stagnant and where you waste time. Even your daily schedule might have weeds that need to be pulled! And find open opportunities to implement new behaviors that align more directly with your goals.
Be sure to get more fresh air!
Discover ways to reduce stress. And pay attention to habits that drain your energy. This is the time for them to go.
8. Embrace a new hobby.
Introducing a new interest can brighten your days and your outlook. Do you want to try watercolor painting? Or photography?
Make the hobby fun!
Find a new, fresh way to engage your mind in a happy, healthy way.
Add this to your spring to-do list.
9. Let go of old grudges.
Is there something holding you back? Are you harboring deep resentment toward someone? Those negative attachments can weigh you down. The goal is to be light and free.
Try spring cleaning them away. You deserve it!
Do the work, and let them go.
For extra help, check out this cord-cutting meditation. (And it is so good for your mental health.) I promise you; it works every time.
10. Embrace the term ‘new beginnings.;
Next, write down the words ‘new beginnings’ on a sticky note and place it somewhere you look every day. And let this note remind you that now is an auspicious time to welcome and receive positive new beginnings in any area you wish.
Remember that the more you believe, the more you will receive.
Do you need more proof? Check out these quotes from Abraham Hicks.
11. Jot down a list of things you want to do this spring.
So, what do you have in mind?
Maybe consider planting a vegetable garden, brightening your home with fresh new colors, buying some new spring dresses, or even trying a new hairstyle. Welcome the newness of the season in all ways.
Another powerful method of renewing your home is to incorporate Feng Shui. Look here for an expert’s take on strategies to clear your living space and increase the chi in your home.
12. Finally, keep the light of optimism shining out from within you.
In short, there is so much to look forward to! Now is the perfect time to align with new goals and dreams and tenderly and lovingly guide yourself in the promising direction of sunny new days that are here to stay!
“A flower blossoms for its own joy.” – Oscar Wilde
So, what do you think?
Indeed, spring cleaning your mindset is powerful work!
All in all, did you like this post? Please share it with your friends! Use the social sharing buttons below. Also, please let me know your thoughts in the comments below. I would love to hear from you!
Next, read here to see what “rose colored glasses” means to me.
And find out some things that bring happiness to me. Maybe they will work for you, too!
(This post was originally published on April 13, 2021, and has been updated for thoroughness.)
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